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Praxis im Tiroler Unterland


Welcome to Familienpraxis Tirol – your trusted destination for general and family medicine in Wörgl!

Our practice, led by Dr. Marco Schönberger, is centrally located in Wörgl and offers holistic primary care. As your family doctor in Wörgl, we provide comprehensive care from birth to old age – individually tailored to your needs.

Our specialties:

  • General and family medicine
  • Preventive check-ups, including “Mutter-Kind-Pass” examinations
  • Treatment of acute and chronic illnesses
  • Vaccination advice and travel medicine
  • Health counseling and prevention

At Familienpraxis Tirol, your general practice in Wörgl, we place great emphasis on personalized care, short waiting times, and a trustworthy relationship with our patients.

Choose Dr. Marco Schönberger and his dedicated team as your partner for health and well-being – we look forward to welcoming you!

Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Marco Schönberger and Team

Liebe Wörglerinnen und Wörgler,
wir freuen uns darauf Sie ab Juni 2025 in der Familienpraxis Tirol zu begrüßen.

Wir bedauern die aktuelle Lage zutiefst und können Ihnen versichern, dass wir intensiv darum bemüht sind, für möglichst viele Patient:innen eine Lösung zu finden.

Wir bitten einstweilen um Verständnis, dass wir Aufnahmeanfragen vorerst nicht mehr über unsere Website entgegen nehmen können.